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Do Iguanas Eat Meat? A Comprehensive Guide to Their Diet



An iguana dragging a dead one. The image showcases an iguana, known for their herbivorous diet, surprisingly dragging the carcass of another iguana. The behavior raises the question, "Do iguanas eat meat?"


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Iguanas, fascinating reptiles native to Central and South America, have increasingly become popular pets in recent years. But what do these captivating creatures eat? Are they strictly herbivores, or do iguanas eat meat occasionally? In this blog post, we’ll unravel the mysteries of iguana dietary preferences and provide all the information you need to ensure your scaly friend thrives on a healthy, balanced diet.

Short Summary

  • Iguanas primarily prefer a plant-based diet, with occasional feeder insects and no red meat.
  • Greens, vegetables and fruits should comprise most of an iguana’s diet. Foods high in oxalates or animal protein should be avoided.
  • A healthy iguana diet consists of nutrient-dense greens, supplemented with calcium & multivitamins cut into small chunks/grated for safety.

Iguana Dietary Preferences: Meat or Plants?

Iguana eating a variety of shredded vegetables in captivity.

Iguanas have varying dietary preferences depending on their species, some being herbivorous and others occasionally consuming insects or small animals. In the wild, iguanas primarily eat leaves, flowers, and soft fruits. However, meat is not recommended for iguanas, which can lead to health issues. Many people often wonder if iguanas eat meat, but it’s essential to understand that it’s not a healthy option for them.

Let’s look at the dietary habits of two popular iguana species: the green iguana and the spiny-tailed iguana.

Green Iguanas

Green iguanas, native to Central and South America, are primarily herbivorous. Their diet in the wild consists of a variety of vegetation, including:

  • shoots
  • leaves
  • blossoms
  • Fruits of nicker bean, fire bush, jasmine, orchids, roses, Washington fan palms, hibiscuses, garden greens, squashes, and melons. This diet is essential for young iguanas, providing them with the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

As a pet owner, providing your green iguana with a diet closely mimicking what they would eat in the wild is essential. Excluding all animal protein from a green iguana’s diet is important, as it can lead to health problems. By focusing on a plant-based diet, you’ll ensure that your green iguana remains healthy and happy.

Spiny Tailed Iguanas

Although primarily herbivorous, spiny-tailed iguanas have occasionally been known to ingest insects or small animals. However, they still largely depend on plant-based foods for their nutritional needs. Like green iguanas, it’s not recommended for spiny-tailed iguanas to consume meat.

When caring for a spiny-tailed iguana, it’s crucial to provide a diet that consists mainly of the following:

  • Foliage
  • Vegetables
  • Some fruit
  • Limited feeder insects

Doing so ensures your spiny-tailed iguana maintains optimal health while avoiding the risks of eating meat and a diet high in animal protein.

Feeding Pet Iguanas: What to Include and Avoid

Iguana consuming a variety of shredded vegetables in captivity.

To ensure your pet iguana thrives, it’s essential to provide them with a balanced diet that includes:

  • Greens
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Limited insects (depending on their species)

Fresh greens, vegetables, and fruits should comprise 70-80% of an iguana’s diet, while the remaining 20-30% are other vegetables and fruits. Small iguanas should be offered live food, such as worms, that they can manage. Adult iguanas may be given insects as an occasional snack but not as a primary meal.

Avoiding red meat in an iguana’s diet is crucial, as it can cause severe digestive difficulties. Instead, focus on providing a variety of plant-based foods to ensure your iguana gets all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Greens and Vegetables

Greens and vegetables should be the foundation of your iguana’s diet, providing essential nutrients and hydration. Some beneficial greens and vegetables for iguanas include:

  • Collard greens
  • Dandelion greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Swiss chard
  • Beet greens

Other vegetables that can be included in their diet are bell peppers, sweet potatoes, and other similar foods.

It’s essential to provide a variety of greens and vegetables to ensure your iguana gets all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Aim for at least 70-80% of their diet from nutrient-dense green vegetables.


While fruits can be a part of your iguana’s diet, they should not be the main component. Iguanas can enjoy fruits such as:

  • bananas (with skin)
  • grapes
  • apples
  • star fruit
  • pears
  • tomatoes
  • kiwis
  • peaches
  • guava
  • melons
  • mango

However, it’s best to avoid feeding them fruits high in citrus, which can lead to digestion problems.

Fruit should comprise no more than 15% of an iguana’s diet. Limiting fruit intake and focusing on greens and vegetables ensure your iguana receives the proper balance of nutrients.


While some iguana species may occasionally consume insects in the wild, it’s crucial to feed insects sparingly to avoid health issues related to excessive animal protein. The consumption of animal protein should be monitored, as it can lead to organ damage and digestion problems.

If you offer insects to your iguana as a treat, avoid spiders and scorpions, as their stings can be toxic. Instead, opt for crickets or other non-toxic insects to provide occasional variety in your iguana’s diet.

The Dangers of Animal Protein in an Iguana’s Diet

Red meats arranged on a surface with an animated person gesturing a "no" sign.

Consuming too much animal protein can seriously affect your iguana’s health. Excessive animal protein consumption can result in the following:

  • Organ damage
  • Digestive difficulties
  • Impeding growth
  • Diminishing overall health and happiness
  • In some cases, early mortality

To ensure your iguana stays healthy, monitoring its animal protein intake and focusing on providing a diet rich in plant-based foods is essential. This will help to avoid the health issues associated with excessive animal protein consumption.

Commercial Iguana Food: Pros and Cons

Two different types of commercial iguana food displayed side by side.

Commercial iguana food can be a convenient supplement to your iguana’s diet but should not replace fresh greens, vegetables, and fruits. While commercial iguana food is easy to store and can provide a balanced diet, many of these products are not nutritionally beneficial for iguanas and can lead to dehydration. Some commercial iguana foods even contain animal protein, which is best avoided in an iguana’s diet.

If you choose to use commercial iguana food, it’s essential to moisten it by mixing it with water if your iguana doesn’t readily accept it. Remember, commercial iguana food should be used as a supplement, not a replacement for fresh, plant-based foods.

Foods to Avoid: Toxic and Harmful Substances

Pile of avocados with a red circle sign.

Certain foods can be toxic or harmful to iguanas and should be avoided in their diet. Here are some foods to avoid.

  • Foods high in oxalates, such as those containing oxalic acid, can impede calcium absorption and other minerals essential to iguanas. This can lead to bone disease and other health problems.
  • Avocados should be avoided due to their high-fat content.
  • Fireflies should be avoided due to their toxicity.
  • Eggs should be avoided due to their high sugar and carbohydrate content.

Dairy products should not be included in an iguana’s diet, as they contain animal protein. Processed foods and other human foods are also best avoided to ensure your iguana receives the proper balance of nutrients.

By removing these harmful substances and focusing on providing a variety of plant-based foods, iguana owners will help keep their iguanas healthy and happy.

Iguana Feeding Myths Debunked

There are several misconceptions about iguana feeding that need to be debunked. One common myth is that iguanas can subsist primarily on lettuce. While lettuce does provide some hydration for iguanas, it lacks the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Instead, a diet rich in nutrient-dense green vegetables, fruits, and limited insects is far more appropriate for iguanas.

Another myth is that iguanas can consume meat or insects as a primary source of nutrition. In reality, all iguana species should adhere to a strict herbivorous iguana diet and avoid consuming meat or insects. Providing your iguana with a diet that closely mimics what they would eat in the wild is essential for their health and well-being. This includes:

  • Plants
  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  • Fruits

In conclusion, it’s vital to understand these myths about iguana feeding and provide them with a suitable diet for their species.

Tips for a Healthy Iguana Diet

Iguana eating vegetables on a stainless tray.

Maintaining a healthy iguana diet involves providing a variety of plant-based foods, avoiding harmful substances, and monitoring animal protein intake. A balanced diet for an iguana should consist of 60% dark leafy greens, 30% vegetables, and 10% fruits. Calcium and multivitamin supplementation ensure your iguana receives all the necessary nutrients.

When it’s time to feed iguanas, it’s important to cut food into small chunks or grate it for optimal safety. Following these tips and adhering to a balanced, plant-based diet help your iguana stay healthy and content.


In summary, a healthy iguana diet consists of various plant-based foods, with limited insects depending on their species. It’s essential to avoid harmful substances such as oxalates, toxic foods, and animal protein. By debunking common iguana feeding myths and following the tips provided, you can ensure your scaly friend thrives and enjoys a happy, healthy life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can an iguana eat chicken?

No, it is not recommended to feed iguanas chicken. They are essentially herbivores and require a diet consisting primarily of vegetation, insects, and other small animals, as well as vitamins and minerals for optimal health.

Do iguanas eat fish?

Based on their diet, iguanas do not eat fish. They consume a variety of leafy greens and vegetables, as well as some fruits.

What foods are toxic to green iguanas?

Green iguanas should avoid toxic foods such as spinach, romaine lettuce, onions, beets, beet greens, celery stalks, Swiss-chard, carrots, bananas, grapes, lettuce, kale, turnips, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, as these can be harmful to their health.

These foods should be avoided as they can cause digestive issues, skin irritation, and other health problems. It is essential to provide a balanced diet for your iguana and to avoid any foods that could be potentially harmful.

Is iguana good to eat?

Overall, iguana meat can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet and offers various culinary options. Its high protein and low-fat content make it an excellent source of sustenance, while its thick texture makes it well-suited for slow-cooking recipes.

As such, iguana is a nutritious and flavorful option to enjoy.

What do iguanas eat in the wild?

Iguanas thrive on leafy greens, soft fruits, and flowers diet. They require these vital nutrients to stay healthy and active.

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