Discover Your Wild Side: Expert Care & Insights for Your Exotic Pets – Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Arachnids, and More!

The Ultimate Bearded Dragon Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know



A person's hand gently pets a yellow bearded dragon, showcasing the bond between human and reptile, as described in the ultimate bearded dragon care guide.


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Proper Bearded dragon care is essential for beginners looking to keep these perfect reptiles. While they are great for new keepers, having the necessary knowledge to ensure their housing is appropriate and comfortable is still important. Providing for their needs can significantly improve their welfare, ultimately leading to your happiness as a reptile keeper.

Table Of Contents

Bearded Dragon Care

To ensure a healthy and happy pet, Bearded dragons must have a vivarium of at least 2ft x 4ft, appropriate lighting, and correct humidity and heat levels. While these are the basics, creating enclosures replicating their natural environment can greatly enhance their quality of life.

Research has to be done to provide an environment for your bearded dragons that mimic their natural habitat. However, before you do that, please stick with me here. I have already completed that research. I have over thirty years of experience in raising and breeding bearded dragons.

Not only will I share that with you here, but I will also go much further. Throughout this guide, you will notice links to other articles I have written that may go into more detail on that particular subject. Be sure to read the entirety of this article. Click through to the others if you think of getting a bearded dragon as an exotic pet.

Where Do Bearded Dragons Originate From?

An image depicting the natural environment of bearded dragons in the Australian outback. The picture features a vast expanse of arid desert terrain with low-lying vegetation and rocky outcroppings. The sunlight is intense, casting a warm glow on the rugged landscape. The bearded dragon's natural habitat is perfectly adapted to the harsh and unforgiving conditions of the Australian outback, with ample hiding spots and basking areas. This image provides an excellent example of the natural habitat of a bearded dragon and highlights the importance of creating a similar environment in captivity for their physical and mental well-being.

Before understanding how to care for bearded dragons, we first need to know where your bearded dragon comes from and their environment in the wild. This will help us understand their need to be happy and healthy in our care.

Bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) originate from Australia. Their environment consists mainly of rocky, arid semi-deserts and dry forests. Although the bearded dragon is diurnal (meaning they are active during the daytime), they escape the hottest parts of the day in underground burrows.

The wild bearded dragons can be seen sitting on top of fence posts, tree stumps, and rocky outcrops. A bearded dragon will sit in these areas for several reasons.

The first is to look out for potential predators such as birds of prey, snakes, dingos, foxes, and feral cats, all of which will take a bearded dragon as food. However, it is essential to note that although bearded dragons have many predators, none are a severe risk to the population.

They would use these areas because bearded dragons are ectothermic (meaning they regulate body temperature by warming up from the sun’s heat). The bearded dragon’s natural environment is perfect for this.

You will see bearded dragons withdrawing to their burrows or shaded areas to cool down when they get too hot.

So now we know the type of environment that which bearded dragons live in the wild. It will help us consider what environment we need to create at home. Adding waterfalls and tropical rainforest feels for bearded dragons would be no good. But more on this later.

What Do Bearded Dragons Look Like?

Bearded Dragons are reptiles that grow up to 24 inches in length and 6 inches in height, depending on the species. A bearded dragon can range from pale yellow right through to vibrant reds and even more colors and patterns within the pet industry called MORPHS.

Bearded dragon has small spines around their chins and edges of the abdomen used to put off predators; in reality, these are pretty soft and rarely cause any issues for predators.

Many bearded dragons can reach a weight of 530 grams and reach sexual maturity within 18 months. Males are usually larger than females, have two hemipenal bulges with large femoral pores, and their head is much larger. A Female bearded dragon has a much fatter base of their tails, and they are typically smaller.

Bearded dragons in the wild do not live as long as bearded dragons in captivity. Dragons live between 5 and 8 years of age in the wild. If you were to see an eight-year-old bearded dragon in the wild, it would be considered a senior citizen.

Although you may hear many different names for bearded dragons, such as German Giants or Dunkins, there are only eight recognized species of bearded dragons. The rest are known as morphs. The eight recognized dragons are:-

Eight Recognised Bearded Dragon Species

  • Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona Vitticeps)
  • Abrolhos Dwarf Bearded Dragon (Pogona minor minima)
  • Kimberley Bearded Dragon (Pogona microlepidota)
  • Rankin’s Bearded Dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni)
  • Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata)
  • North-West Bearded Dragon (Pogona mitchelli)
  • Nullarbor Bearded Dragon (Pogona nullarbor)
  • Dwarf Bearded Dragon (Pogona minor minor)
A bearded dragon perched on a branch, showcasing the results of excellent bearded dragon care. Its scales appear glossy and colorful, and its eyes are bright and observant. The enclosure is roomy, clean, and features numerous hiding places and basking spots, indicating that the owner provides outstanding bearded dragon care.

Now we know where bearded dragons come from and what they look like. Maybe you have decided this is the right lizard to keep at home. Before you rush out to buy your new exotic pet dragon, you must recognize that you purchase and set up an appropriate enclosure for your new bearded dragon.

How Many Bearded Dragons To Keep As A Pet?

Before anything else, the first thing to decide is how many bearded dragons you want to keep. For most, two dragons are a good starting point as this allows for company and breeding if you wish to do so later.

It is important to note that two males should not be kept together unless there are adequate females, as they will fight for dominance and could result in the death of one of the dragons. Two females or males and females will happily live together with no issues.

Vivarium To Keep Bearded Dragons?

The great thing for us, reptile keepers, is an array of bearded dragon equipment available to us to create a perfect environment, from vivariums, lights, heaters, rocks, sand, and plants. These allow you to create a scape of your choice in keeping for your reptile.

As discussed above, I will discuss a minimum bearded dragon setup to create a great enclosure or vivarium for two adult bearded dragons. You should consider the full-grown size of the bearded dragon, as buying juvenile bearded dragons will look small initially but will grow very quickly.

It is a false economy to buy smaller enclosures and upgrade later; not only will this cost more in the long run, but it can stress out your new exotic pets as they do not like being moved into new enclosures.

Size Of Vivarium For Bearded Dragons?

A vivarium of minimum dimensions should be 4ft x 2ft x 2ft for a pair of adult bearded dragons. It will allow plenty of room for the dragons to roam around and chase down their food, but not be too massive that you never see your pet bearded dragon.

Many types of vivariums can be used for bearded dragons, From fish tanks with a mesh roof to a proper vivarium explicitly built for reptiles. Some owners even make their dragon enclosures from scratch or adapt old cupboards and sideboards to care for them.

If you want an easy life purchasing a bearded dragon vivarium is perfect as they come flat-packed, and you must put it together. At the same time, building something yourself can be months in the making, such as mine, where I made a massive enclosure for some of my dragons. Check out the video below.

Remembering to find the right size for your bearded dragon is critical. Bigger vivariums will allow you to do much more with the habitat inside and provide your bearded pet dragons with a much better quality of life.

Heat A Beaded Dragon Enclosure

When you want to add heat to your bearded dragon’s tank, you should consider a temperature variation. A gradient is important so that your pet dragon can choose the ideal temperature to be able to warm up or cool down.

There are many ways to heat your bearded dragon home. Spot bulbs, heat mats, hot rocks, and ambient heating can all play a part in heating your bearded dragon home.

When setting up your bearded dragon’s environment, consider what you need for heating. Consider a heat mat or ceramic heating bulb to maintain nighttime temps, while spot bulbs and heat rocks are ideal for daytime temps.

When deciding what you require, buy a thermostatic switch that will control the temps and ensure they do not get any hotter than the desired temperature you set. An ideal overall temp is about 65˚F at the cool end and up to 105˚F for the basking spot.

You can change the basking area temps by changing the wattage of the spot bulb or the distance from the basking location. Another source of light to consider is UVB.

Lighting A Bearded Dragon Vivarium

There are various lighting setups required for bearded dragons. At the very least, you need a basking bulb and a UVB bulb, but more on UVB in a moment.

Let’s look at basking spot bulbs. Bulbs for basking tend to be incandescent types of bulbs that emit heat. this is required to help create warmth in the cage during the daytime. It also provides lighting if the environment for your reptiles.

The issue with a home setup is that the thermostat you have to control the lighting with tends to work with an off-on switch based on heat. This switches off the light should the temps get too warm.

However, In the natural environment, a bearded dragon is not plunged into darkness in the hottest part of the day. As Exotic pet keepers, we want to try and design our enclosures to mimic natural conditions, so the light turning off when it gets too hot is counterproductive.

I decided to have a set of lights, and rather than stat all the lights to hot temps, I bought a cool stat and designed the vivarium (Viv), as a whole which cooled the Viv down when it got too hot. You can see how I did this in the video above.

infographic showing how to create a heat gradient in a beaded dragon enclosure

UVB Light, Do Bearded Dragons Need It?

UVB or ultraviolet light is required for bearded dragons to produce vitamin D, The heat created by the spot bulbs turns the Vitamin D into D3, and this helps to maintain good liver and other organ health. It also helps to keep your exotic pet dragon healthy and aids in shedding and preventing metabolic bone disease by increasing calcium levels. UVB light is extremely important for your pet dragon.

So as you can see, the lighting in your bearded dragon’s home is very important.

The Best Substrates For Bearded Dragon Vivariums

When you consider the natural environment of bearded dragons, you will see desert-style conditions.

Sand and gravel are primarily used for bearded dragon substrate as this is what is found where they naturally live. Playpen sand and reptile carpet is, therefore, perfect for your enclosure.

You can even buy colored sands that are ideal and mimic the red colors of the home.

A word of warning here, Juvenile bearded dragons can swallow this sand; this is why you should not use sand for juvenile bearded dragons, as it has the ability to cause compaction, which can become fatal if not dealt with.

If you have a juvenile dragon, consider using kitchen paper towels as a bearded dragon substrate or reptile carpet until the bearded dragon is a young adult.

Please note that the likelihood of adults getting compacted from sand is very rare and always because if a dragon is sick or ill with some other illness, the body cannot move the sand through its system.

Rocks And Plants For Bearded Dragon Vivariums

When scaping your cage, you can choose any rock you wish. If they are heavy, I would consider silicon them together to prevent these rocks from falling onto and trapping or even killing your pet dragon if it is heavy.

Faux rocks can be used to great effect. You can see that from mine in the above video, where I carved rocks out of the insulation board, then grouted and painted it with a low VOC paint.

You may consider buying a hot rock to add to your enclosure; this will help provide heat throughout nighttime to help regulate their temps if it gets cold. Esp in winter. Care should be taken it does not get too hot and scold your dragon.

Habitat For Your Bearded Dragons

When designing your bearded dragon habitat, it is first important to take all the basics, lighting, heating hides, and basking rocks, then build the enclosure around them. Only your imagination can stop your dragon enclosure from becoming a masterpiece.

It can be basic with just these items, which some keepers prefer to ensure good husbandry; it is usually what breeders will use as this makes cleaning out multiple cages quicker and easier. It also gives fewer places for insects to hide.

But if you only have a few dragons and want your setup to look like its natural environment, then you can go the full hog like I did when I built one of my vivariums which you saw in the video above.

The choice is yours; you can buy a full-blown kit including backgrounds or build your own.

An image of a bearded dragon enclosure with a diverse range of hiding spaces, including rocks and logs, accompanied by ample basking spots. The bearded dragon is not visible in the picture, but the layout of the enclosure provides a glimpse of the excellent care it receives. The numerous hiding spaces and basking spots are indicative of a healthy and content bearded dragon that is well-cared for.

Cleaning A Bearded Dragon Vivarium

Husbandry is so important when it comes to your Exotic pet dragon. You can strip down the entire enclosure with a branded cleaner or even a mild bleach solution. But not only does this cleaning need to be done, but there are also tasks to do daily.

  1. Remove uneaten food
  2. Change water daily
  3. Remove the faces using a sand scoop.
  4. Remove damp patches of sand where dragons urinated
  5. Remove live insects, as these can die and rot.
  6. Disinfect food and water bowls daily
  7. Wipe down glass
  8. Hover out sand from the glass runner rails
  9. Remove any dust from bulbs, esp the UVB

Performing these daily tasks makes the weekly cleaning much easier; your dragons will have a cleaner environment, and no smells will be associated with your new pet.

Buying Your New Bearded Dragon

An image of a juvenile bearded dragon available for purchase. The bearded dragon is shown from above, with vibrant and colorful scales and a lively expression. It appears to be healthy and active, with bright, alert eyes and a curious demeanor. This image is a great representation of a bearded dragon that is ready for adoption, and the lively and active personality of the juvenile bearded dragon is evident from the picture.

There are various ways to buy a new exotic pet bearded dragon, Firstly, you must decide what dragon you want. What morphs? More on this in the next chapter. But consider where to buy. But before all that, you must decide if a bearded dragon is right for you!

I suggest contacting a dedicated breeder; they can advise you of the breed and the requirements they were kept in. It is also someone you can have on hand should you need advice.

A dedicated reptile store might be the next good choice for many of the above reasons. Then a pet store, but consider these factors when buying your dragon no matter where you buy from

  • Does the dragon appear to be healthy?
  • Does it have bright eyes?
  • Is it alert and avoids being picked up?
  • Avoid dragons that lie there and are lethargic.
  • Ask to see the dragon eating.
  • Does It chase down insects as soon as they are put in the tank?
  • Does it bask in the spot lamps?
  • Does it have signs of damage to its body?
  • Does it have all its toes and tail?
  • Are the conditions it is kept clean?

If you can answer favorably to all the questions above, then it’s a good bet that it is healthy and a good choice, and also, the cost can play a part in the type of dragon you want to keep.

You may consider how you will transport your dragon to your home. How will you do this safely? can you provide heat if it’s cold outside?

When you get your dragon home, put it in its tank with the lights off for the first few hours; give it time to adjust to its new surroundings, but ensure it has some form of heat.

Bearded Dragon Morphs, What They Look Like?

Bearded dragon morphs are dragons selectively bred for a certain appearance characteristic. They range from color to skin type, and hundreds of different morphs are available in the exotic pet industry, with new ones being created each year.

I won’t go into it too much here as this article is more on the care of bearded dragons, and they all require pretty much the same thing; however, I have an article all about bearded dragon morphs and what are their differences so that you can delve deeper into this topic.

Here’s a table outlining the approximate costs associated with buying a bearded dragon and the necessary equipment:

ItemCost Range ($)
Bearded Dragon50 – 300
Terrarium/Vivarium100 – 300
Lighting and Heat Lamps50 – 150
UVB Bulbs20 – 40
Thermometer and Hygrometer10 – 30
Substrate10 – 50
Food and Water Bowls5 – 20
Calcium and Vitamin Supplements10 – 20
Decorations (Rocks, Plants, etc.)10 – 50
Veterinarian Check-Up and Vaccines50 – 200
Total Cost (excluding vet expenses)305 – 860

It’s worth noting that these costs can vary depending on the quality and size of the equipment you purchase, as well as where you live and the availability of certain items. The bearded dragon cost can skyrocket as you get into more rare morphs.

Additionally, there may be ongoing costs associated with feeding and maintaining your bearded dragon, including the cost of food, water, and electricity.

Budgeting accordingly and researching before committing to getting a bearded dragon as a pet is important.

Sex Of Your Bearded Dragons

There are many ways in which to tell your pet dragon apart from one another as far as the sex comes. It is harder with juveniles, but the first signs appear when they get 8 to 12 weeks old.

Hemipeni bulge is one of the first telltale signs you will notice. Male bearded dragons will have two bulges at the base of the tail; female bearded dragons will have a central lump.

 A side-by-side comparison of two bearded dragons with a labeled infographic in between. The bearded dragon on the left is male, while the one on the right is female. The image provides clear and concise visual guidance on how to distinguish between the two sexes based on physical characteristics such as head size, beard prominence, and tail base width. This image is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn how to identify the sex of a bearded dragon.

As the dragon reaches the young adult stages, the male’s head appears larger, and the joules are more pronounced. A male dragon will also have a much blacker beard when they are showing off trying to attract a female. This article will show you many more signs to tell if you have a male or female bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragon Behaviour and Gestures

There are many gestures that your pet dragon might perform. Most dragons will perform some or all of the following at some stage.

  • Head bobbing
  • Arm waving
  • Glass Surfing
  • Mouth gaping
  • Digging
  • Flaring
  • Tail Twitching
  • Black beards

There is much to learn from these behaviors your dragon might perform. Arm waving, for instance, is a submissive trait, whereas head bobbing and black beards tend to be more dominant. Black beards also tend to be how males try to attract their mates.

Feeding Bearded Dragons

The bearded dragon is an omnivorous animal, and a bearded dragon eats various foods. Its diet includes; insects, vegetables like leafy greens, and sometimes some non-citrus fruits. You should feed young bearded dragons 3-5 times a day, while for adult ones, you can feed them once daily.

Providing a healthy and proper diet is vital to having a happy bearded dragon. I hope this blog post will answer any questions regarding how often you want to feed your bearded dragon, regardless of how old it is.

This is a huge subject on its own when keeping bearded dragons, so I created an article dedicated to feeding your bearded dragons and what and how much your bearded dragon eats should be controlled. Including timescales, the chart below may also help you understand what bearded dragons love.

An infographic displaying a feeding chart for a bearded dragon based on their age. The chart is color-coded and divided into sections by age group, with corresponding recommended food portions and feeding frequencies. The chart also includes a list of nutritious foods suitable for a bearded dragon and warns against harmful items that should be avoided. This feeding guide provides an informative resource for owners to ensure the bearded dragon receive a healthy and balanced diet according to their age.

Bearded Dragons Supplements?

It is wise to dust your young bearded dragons food with a calcium supplement, as the metabolic bone disease is a real issue if calcium becomes in low supply. Gut-loading insects that your bearded dragons eat are also a great way to add this supplement, prevent metabolic bone disease, and control your bearded dragon’s diet. It is advisable also to dust adult bearded dragons too.

Bearded Dragons Hydration?

Your pet beardie will get most of its moisture from the fruits and leafy greens it will eat. However, they will also take water from a bowl, so it should still be offered. Do not be alarmed if you do not see your pet dragon drinking.

Why Bearded Dragons Shed Their Skin?

The young bearded dragon will shed their skin when they grow. This is not the case for older dragons. Although they still do shed, which is called ecdysis, it’s no longer associated with growth like it is for baby beardies but is more of a hormonal and environmental factor.

It is a way for the adult dragon to replace its skin. Under the old skin, new skin forms, and when it’s complete and ready, enzymes are released, which helps to separate the old skin from the new, and the old shed off, showing a new fresh skin below.

Brumation, And Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are poikilothermic; they derive their heat from the environment. When days are short with low light levels, bearded dragons lack the heat required for proper food digestion. Bearded dragons brumate to preserve energy until spring.

The bearded dragon will react less to your attention. In most cases, it will not respond at all. Most experts will advise people to give a brumating dragon some privacy. Help it relax and feel secure by leaving it alone. You can provide water and food without touching them or interrupting their sleep.

A bearded dragon develops a loss of appetite when brumating. Before brumation, A bearded dragon will consume a lot of food. Hence, reserved nutrients and fat keep them going until the end of the cold period.

There is also a reduced intake of water while in a hideout. Any healthy bearded dragon of adult age can last a few weeks without drinking water. Brumation is stressful for a bearded dragon and long for most reptiles; hence, they refuse to consume anything.

There is much more to look for when a bearded dragon brumates, and this article will give you more in-depth knowledge about brumation.

Is Your Bearded Dragon Unwell?

As an exotic pet keeper, you should observe your bearded dragon on a daily basis and pay attention to what they eat, how much they eat, and how quickly they eat it. You will notice that they have their own distinct personality, and these are the things that will help you to notice if something is not quite right.

Are they doing any of the following?

  1. Is your dragon lethargic?
  2. Sunken eyes into their head
  3. Any fluids coming from the eyes
  4. Clouding over of eyes
  5. Losing weight
  6. Unable to pass fluids and feces
  7. Stools are not normal color or are like liquid
  8. Skin looking pale
  9. Unable to finish shedding
  10. Hiding in the corner of their tank
  11. Not eating
  12. Allowing insects to climb over them

If you see any of the symptoms above, you should consider what you can do if your dragon is ill. You can do many things at home; consider if you have given a food type to your dragon that they should not have eaten.

Contact your local vet by phone and ask for advice; they may wish to do a check-up.

Handling Bearded Dragons

  1. Approach from the front or side. This prevents startling your dragons. Never approach from above.
  2. Touch Your dragon so they know you are about to pick them up
  3. Slide your hand under the chest area and support the weight. Ensure the Bearded Dragon is secure
  4. Lift the front of the dragon and place a second hand underneath the back legs and tail
  5. Ensure you have supported the weight of the dragon properly; if it feels unsteady, it will struggle
  6. Raise the dragon but not too high. By keeping the dragon low, you prevent injury if it were to struggle free
  7. Only handle your pet dragon for short periods of time.
  8. Place the dragon back into its enclosure onto a secure surface, never a branch or rock it could fall from.
  9. Wash your hands thoroughly.
An infographic displaying a handling chart for a bearded dragon. The chart outlines recommended handling times based on the age and temperament of the bearded dragon. The top section of the infographic displays a small, baby bearded dragon, while the bottom section features an adult bearded dragon. The handling times for each age group are clearly labeled and displayed in a user-friendly manner. This infographic is an excellent resource for bearded dragon owners who want to ensure that they are handling their pets appropriately and safely.

Handling your bearded dragon correctly is important because you must move it while cleaning the enclosure. Handling it wrong can cause damage.

Bearded Dragon Lifespan In Captivity?

The bearded dragon’s diet, consisting of insects, fruits, and vegetables, is vital to its lifespan. The average lifespan for a bearded dragon is 8-15 years. The world’s oldest bearded dragon died at 18 years.

The average lifespan of a bearded dragon in the wild or natural setting ranges from 3 to 8 years. In the wild, they have to fend for themselves by hunting and looking for their meals, fighting for survival, and avoiding various dangers. 

Dealing with the dangers in the wild makes them have relatively short life expectancies. You will find that most will die at the age of 5 to 6 years, and those that manage to live to 8 years are the exception.  

However, circumstances are quite different for adult bearded dragons kept in captivity. They no longer have to hunt for themselves and are safe from natural predators. The average lifespan of a domesticated bearded dragon ranges from 8 to 15 years.

Is Your Bearded Dragon Dying?

Once your dragon has reached old age, you will notice it becoming very lethargic, not moving very much, and generally not interested in anything. They may find themselves in a quiet spot in the tank and hide. They will stop taking water and food, their skin will look pale, and their bone structure and eyes will all look sunken. Bearded dragon health is weaning, and they eventually succumb to their age or illness

An image of an old bearded dragon lying on red sandy soil, showing signs of dying. The bearded dragon appears weak and lethargic, with sunken eyes and skin that appears loose and wrinkled. The sandy soil is sparsely vegetated, indicating a harsh and challenging environment. This image is a poignant reminder of the importance of providing adequate care and attention to bearded dragons throughout their lives, from infancy to old age.

Insurance Cost For Bearded Dragons?

Insurance is important when you own an exotic pet, Things can happen, and your pet may require an operation or other care that can cost thousands of dollars.

Insurance can start as little as $15 and climb from there, depending on the policy you take. Contact your local exotic pet insurance company can provide an updated quote.

FAQ’s About Your Bearded Dragon


I hope this guide has given you the information you need to purchase and look after your exotic pet dragon. If you want to delve into more details, there are links to other articles within this post to help you; however, search for bearded dragons in the search of this website as there are plenty more articles about dragons not linked.

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